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Welcome! We explore the ecological and evolutionary processes that generate diversity in flowering plants. We address questions primarily focused on floral pigmentation and plant reproductive systems. We use a variety of approaches including ecological and quantitative genetics, phenotypic manipulation and pollination experiments, population genetics, and comparative phylogenetics.



12/19/2024: Katherine successfully defended M.S. Thesis and graduated!


12/2024: Anita, published paper in New Phytologist


09/10/2024: Matt, Jacob & Jennifer have a paper accepted at Ecology Letters!


07/01/2024: Cierra won the Li-Cor prize at Botany for best student oral presentation, and then successfully defended her thesis- congrats Dr. Sullivan!


05/21/2024: lots to catch up on-- 


   *Taylor gets into grad school at University of Florida and has               paper accepted in Plant Biology!


   *Cierra wins BGSA Commitment to Student Life Award and                attends ESA SEEDS GIS workshop in Tallahassee!


   *Katherine wins BSGSA Teaching Award and passes MS Thesis         Proposal Defense!





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