Evolutionary Ecology of Plant Reproduction
Underlined = Undergraduate author, * = Equal contribution
Cisternas-Fuentes, A. C., Forehand, C., Morris, K., Busch, J.W. and M.H. Koski. 2024. Drift in small populations predicts mate availability and the breakdown of self-incompatibility in a clonal polyploid. New Phytologist in press.
Koski M. H., Leonard, E., and N. Tharayil. 2024. Foliar flavonoids across an elevation gradient: plasticity in response to UV and links with floral pigmentation patterning. In press at Environmental and Experimental Botany.
Koski M. H., Heiling J. M., and J. S. Apland. 2024. Behavioral thermoregulation of flowers via petal movement. Ecology Letters 27: e14524.
Sullivan, C. N. and M. H. Koski. 2024. An elevational cline in leaf variegation: testing Anti-herbivory and Abiotic Heterogeneity hypotheses in maintaining a polymorphism. American Journal of Botany 111: e16411.
Sherer, T.N., Heiling, J.M., and M.H. Koski. 2024. Floral thermal biology in relation to pollen thermal performance in an early spring flowering plant. Plant Biology 26: 811-820.
Heiling, J.M, and M. H. Koski. 2024. Divergent gametic thermal performance and floral warming across an elevation gradient. In press. Evolution 78: 665-678.
Cisternas-Fuentes, A., and M. H. Koski. 2024. Effective population size mediates the impact of pollination services on pollen limitation. In press. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: 291 20231419.
Leal, L., and M. H. Koski. 2024. Linking pollen limitation and seed dispersal effectiveness. Ecology Letters 27: e14347
Cisternas-Fuentes, A., and M. H. Koski. 2023. Drivers of strong isolation and low effective population size at a leading edge of a widespread herb. Heredity 130: 347-357.
Cisternas-Fuentes, A., R. Dwyer, N. Johnson N., J. Gilman, and M.H. Koski. Disentangling components of pollen limitation in a self-incompatible herb. American Journal of Botany: e16122
Koski, M. H., 2022. Pollinators exert selection on floral traits in a pollen limited,
narrowly endemic spring ephemeral. American Journal of Botany: e16101
Koski, M. H,. Galloway, L.F.G. and J. W. Busch. 2022. Hybrid breakdown is
elevated near the historical cores of a species range. Proceedings
of the Royal Society B 289.
Koski, M. H., Finnell, L. M., Leonard, E., and N. Thayaril. 2022. Elevational
divergence in pigmentation plasticity is associated with selection
and pigment biochemistry. Evolution 76: 512-527.
Finnell, L. M. and M. H. Koski. 2021. A test of Sensory Drive in plant-pollinator interactions: Heterogeneity in the signaling environment shapes pollinator preference for a floral visual signal. New Phytologist 232: 1436-1448.
Koski, M. H., MacQueen D., and T.-L. Ashman. 2021. Reply to Robson et al. Current Biology 31: R887-R888.
Sullivan, C. N. and M. H. Koski. 2021 The effects of global change on floral anthocyanin polymorphisms. 2021. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288: 20202693.
LeCroy, K.A., Arceo-Gómez, G., Koski, M. H., Morehouse, N. I., Ashman, T-L. Floral color properties of serpentine seep assemblages depend on community size and species richness. 2021. Frontiers in Plant Science 11:602951.
Prior, C.J., Layman N., Koski, M. H., Galloway, L.F., Busch, JW. 2020. Westward range expansion from middle latitudes explains the Mississippi River Discontinuity in a forest herb of eastern North America. 2020. Molecular Ecology 29: 4473-4486.
Koski, M.H., MacQueen, D., Ashman T-L. 2020. Floral pigmentation has responded rapidly to global change in ozone and temperature.Current Biology 30: 4425-4431.
Koski, M. H. and L. F. Galloway. 2020. Geographic variation in floral color and reflectance correlates with temperature and colonization history. Frontiers in Plant Science 11: 991.
Koski, M. H. 2020. Macroevolution of floral color patterning: biased transition rates and correlations with flower size. Frontiers in Plant Science 11: 945.
Koski, M. H. 2020. The role of sensory drive in floral diversification. New Phytologist. 227: 1012-1024.

Koski, M. H., Berardi, A., and L. F. Galloway. 2020. Pollen color morphs take different paths to fitness. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 33: 388-400.
Koski, M. H., Prior, C. J., Layman, N. C., Busch, J. W., and L. F. Galloway. 2019. Selfing ability and drift load evolve with range expansion. Evolution Letters 3: 500-512.
Evolution Letters Blog Post, and a writeup in UVA Today
Koski, M. H., Galloway, L. F., and J. W. Busch. 2019. Pollen Limitation and selfing ability interact to shape variation in outcrossing rate across a species range. American Journal of Botany 106: 1240-1247.

van der Kooi, C. J., Kevan, P. G., and M. H. Koski. 2019. The thermal ecology of flowers. Annals of Botany 124: 343-353.
Featured in Botany One Blog
Ison, J. L., E. S. L. Tuan, M. H. Koski, J. S. Whalen, and L. F. Galloway. 2018. The role of pollinator preference in the maintenance of pollen color variation. Annals of Botany 123: 951-960.
Commentary by Hempel de Ibarra & Somanathan
Koski, M. H., J. L. Ison, A. Padilla, A. Pham, and L. F. Galloway. 2018. Linking pollinator effectiveness to patterns of pollen limitation: small bees exploit the plant-pollinator mutualism. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285: 20180635.
Featured in UVA Today
Leibman, L., A. Rowe, M. H. Koski, and L. F. Galloway. 2018. Populations with greater flexibility in floral traits modify mating system in response to the pollination environment. Functional Ecology DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.13093
Brittingham, H. A., M. H. Koski, and T.-L. Ashman. 2018. Higher ploidy is associated with reduced range breadth in the Potentilleae tribe. American Journal of Botany 105: 700-710
Koski, M. H., L. Kuo, K. Niedermaier, and L. F. Galloway. 2018. Timing is everything: dichogamy and pollen germinability underlie variation in autonomous selfing among populations. American Journal of Botany 105: 241-248.
Koski, M. H., and L. F. Galloway. 2018. Geographic variation in pollen color is associated with temperature stress. New Phytologist 218: 370-379.
Featured in New Phyt Blog
Koski, M. H.*, D. Grossenbacher*, J. Busch, and L. F. Galloway. 2017. A geographic cline in the ability to self-fertilize is unassociated with the pollination environment. Ecology 98: 2930-2939.
Koski, M. H. and T.-L. Ashman. 2016. Reproductive character displacement and environmental filtering shape floral variation between sympatric sister taxa. Evolution 70: 2616-2622.
Koski, M. H., and T.-L. Ashman. 2016. Macroevolutionary patterns of ultraviolet floral pigmentation explained by geography and associated abiotic factors. New Phytologist 211: 708-718.
2015 and earlier
Ashman, T.-L., J. Tennessen, R. Dalton, R. Govindarajulu, M. H. Koski, and A. Liston. 2015. Multilocus sex determination revealed in two populations of gynodioecious wild strawberry, Fragaria vesca subsp. bracteata. G3 Genes, Genome, Genetics 5: 2759-2773.
Koski, M. H., and T.-L. Ashman. 2015. An altitudinal cline in UV floral pattern corresponds with a behavioral change of a generalist pollinator assemblage. Ecology 12: 3343-3353.
Koski, M. H., and T.-L. Ashman. 2015. Patterns of floral pigmentation provide example of Gloger’s rule in plants. Nature Plants 1.1.
Featured in Nature News and Views, Scientific American, Science Daily, Science 2.0,
ZME Science.
Koski, M. H.*, G. A. Meindl*, G. Arceo-Gomez, M. Wolowski, K.A. Lecroy, T.-L. Ashman. 2015 Plant-flower visitor networks in a serpentine metacommunity: Assessing traits associated with keystone plant species. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 9: 9-21.
Koski, M. H., and T.-L. Ashman. 2014. Dissecting pollinator responses to a ubiquitous ultraviolet floral pattern in the wild. Functional Ecology 28: 868-877.
Koski, M. H., and T.-L. Ashman 2013. Quantitative variation, heritability, and trait correlations for ultraviolet floral traits in Argentina anserina (Rosaceae): Implications for floral evolution. International Journal of Plant Sciences 174: 1109-1120.
Dalton, R., M. H. Koski, and Ashman, T-L. 2013. Maternal sex effects and Inbreeding depression under varied environmental conditions in gynodioecious Fragaria vesca subsp. bracteata. Annals of Botany 112: 613-621.
Li, J., M. H. Koski, and T.-L. Ashman. 2012. Functional characterization of gynodioecy in Fragaria vesca ssp. bracteata. Annals of Botany 109: 545-552.